The 2008 Team

The 2008 Team

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Heather: We are the body...

It's been amazing to watch the skills and talents of each team member unfold as our VBS days go by. It's a great reminder that God has made us each with unique gifts, to work together as a body to serve Him. God knew what was needed for a successful team, and He called each of us to serve a specific role. Here is what I've seen:

Tom has a unique ability to get the kids to follow directions, play in an orderly manner, but still have loads of fun. He's also generated individual photo buttons for all the kids, and put together slides of the kids with their names, so we can get to know them more quickly. The kids love his games, and many of the quiet and shy ones have come out of their shells as a result of the fun they've had.

Jasmine and Vincy have been indespensible as liasons to the children. They've formed immediate connections, making the kids feel comfortable. They have also worked hard to put on great skits that have not only entertained the kids, but taught them some great lessons as well.

Kelly has been our MVP as the guy who can fix everything. He "operated" on my broken computer cord, created handmade batons for Tom's relay races, and even fixed my broken bed. He's great with the kids, and they have so much fun rough housing with "Uncle Kelly". He's also helped us navigate the train system here, which can be very confusing when everything is written in Japanese.

Sharon is so gifted at story telling that she has the kids entranced as she teaches them about the Bible. She is one of our best Japanese translators, and helps those of us who can't seem to find the right words to say. She also has a great understanding of the Japanese culture, giving us great insight when needed.

Neil brings great technical skills, and has been very helpful creating photos for the kid's buttons. He's been able to help Tom with some computer issues, and his Japanese is better than some of the Japanese people on the team :)

Elaine has such a heart for the kids and their mothers. She is able to easily connect and converse with the mothers, and seems to always have a baby or child in her arms. She's been the primary "adult chaperone" for the missionary family's kids, taking them shopping at every 100 yen store in town.

Patty is so organized and able to juggle more balls than anyone I know. I'm sure she must be exhausted, but she stays up late at night and gets up early every morning to practice her stories, organize our schedule, keep track of our finances, and coordinate plans with our hosts. I'm so thankful for her giving heart and desire to serve the people here in Japan.

Richard Nakamura asked Patty how the team members were chosen, and she tried to explain the process. She said it had been challenging, and the final decision had more to do with housing logistics than anything else. When I look at our team in action, I know the final decision was really up to God. We are truly the body, and it's been such a blessing to serve with this team :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful picture of each individual and how you come together as a team put together by God Himself. all praise to Him. thanks for sharing everything with us, heather!