The kids came into the closing assembly all wound up. It took a while to calm them. When Amy started to talk they were still a little wiggly. We were praying for her. She continued to tell about her younger brother. The kids began to settle down and when she shared how when he was 9, God took him to heaven, the room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. It remained quiet when she ended with how choosing Jesus made a difference in her life. I almost cried.
To me, it was if God planned the whole day without us knowing what was going on. The story, the sharing of the gospel and giving out of the invitation, singing, everything seemed to emphasize one thing: that God loves you and wants you to choose Him so you can be in His family.
We know God planted many seeds this week and some may have taken root and started to grow but we don't know it. We may never know on this side of heaven but we have placed them into God's hands and trust that God will bring these precious children into His Kingdom. After the closing program and the last game, the kids and parents just hung around, taking pictures. It was a wonderful VBS and God blessed us as much as He blessed the children. God is so good. Blessings, Ev
"Sing to the Lord a new song because he had done miacles. By his right hand and holy arm he has won the victory." Psalm 98:1
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