The 2008 Team

The 2008 Team

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ev: Day 4

Every day we begin with worship and prayer. I think this is one of my favorite times of the day. Matt always leads with two songs on his guitar and even when we don`t always know all the words, the singing is very meaningful. His song choices always have us focus on God and to encourage us to depend on Him during the day. After singing we pray for our needs and prepare our hearts for what God will bring to us that day.

During the VBS closing time, Matt shared his testimony to the children. Matt has quite a following with the kids and they sat quietly as he shared how he grew up in a Christian family but did not commit his life to Christ fully until the sixth grade at a camp. The children laughed when he shared how he was told by his mother that he could have two cookies after dinner but ended up taking more later without his parents knowing it! He shared how his mother caught him and had to punish him.
Tomorrow, the shepherds will give the kids an opportunity to choose Jesus during a shorten story/memory verse time. We pray that even though they may not openly raise their hands or say it aloud that the gospel seed be planted deeply into their hearts or that they will commit quietly in their minds to following Jesus.

Amy will share her faith story today at the VBS closing program and Janis will do hers this Sunday. Please keep these two people in your prayers.

Today will be our last day of VBS, our prayer is that we all finish the race strong, despite a lack of sleep, being eaten alive by bugs, aches and heat will not slow us down, and that God would be totally glorified. God is so good! Blessings, Ev

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