The 2008 Team

The 2008 Team

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Neil: Impressions of a rookie

Japan is such a beautiful country with a very distinct culture and tradition. I see people who hunger and thirst for the truth yet they cling on to their old beliefs and family traditions. Our prayer walk experience at Asakusa, Mabashi, Oterai, and other places really opened my eyes to how deeply entrenched Shintoism and Buddhism is in Japan. In Mabashi and Otearei, Richard showed us a map of the place and made us identify some of the Shinto and Buddhist shrines (via symbols on the map) and I just realized that there are so many of them. They are almost everywhere while Christian churches are very few or simply nowhere to be found. Richard really impressed upon us the urgency of reaching out to these people.

We started the VBS today at SEND center in Tokorozawa, and it was a blast! Thanks for your prayers! We had lots of fun interacting with the kids and they really loved all the activities we prepared for them. I really thank God for this wonderful experience of planting the seeds of change on these kids, and help us pray that they may grow and become source of light to this nation.

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