The 2008 Team

The 2008 Team

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Heather: Blessings from Japan :)

As I learned during my first mission trip to Thailand last year, God used that time to heal my heart, accelerate my growth, and increase my dependence on Him. During this year's trip to Japan, I received similar gifts. Here are three that really stood out...

The first was the realization that being a "third generation Christian" is an amazing blessing. Breaking away from the ancestral beliefs of Buddhism and Shintoism is so challenging for the Japanese people, that even those that come to Christ often fall away. There is severe pressure to conform, the few Chrisitan churches have limited members, and fellowship outside the church is almost non-existent. This made me very thankful for our freedom of worship and blessing of fellowship. I realize that as a "steward" of these blessings, I have a responsiblity to share God's word with those who are less fortunate.

Prayer walking with Richard was an experience I won't forget. I've always admired "prayer warriors", and longed for more passion in that area. But Richard helped us focus on the hearts of the Japanese people, the challenges of their culture, and the hopelessness of their situation. As we rode the subways, walked the busy streets, and observed people worshipping at the temples, we couldn't escape the looks of sadness, depression and despair. After coming to love the precious children we met in the Japan, I will continually pray that they find a new life of hope and joy in Christ.

And lastly, God again confirmed for me His promise to provide. I was blessed with generous financial support, my work schedule allowed for time away, and I was able to stay healthy and sleep well throughout the trip. He blessed our team by working out logistics for lodging, bringing more children to VBS than expected, and giving us cooler weather than usual. We were able to use our gifts and abilities in ways that were new for many of us, and we became more like a "family" than a team.

Thank you so much to the many people that supported us both financially and in prayer. Our mission trip was successful in so many ways, and we couldn't have completed our journey without you :)

May God richly bless you as you have blessed us...

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