The 2008 Team

The 2008 Team

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mei-Ling: Please pray for our last day of VBS

This week has gone by so quickly! By Wednesday we were all feeling fatigued, wondering if we would have the energy to make it to the end of the week. Then yesterday, we realized we only had one more day and perhaps just one more opportunity to share Jesus' love with our VBS students. What better way to finish off a great week than to personally invite the children to become a member of God's family.

Last night, Kohichi and Shirley were discussing with us what might be the best way to present this invitation. There was some concern that if the parents found out, then they would not return to Nokendai. Should each Park Guide ask the children to raise their hand or should it be more private? Should the invitation be presented after the story or after the craft? Each of these questions were answered and now we leave the rest to God. After the Bible story about Thomas (John 20), and a short memory verse review, the Park Guides (shepherds) will speak to their group about how they can become a member of God's family.

PLEASE PRAY for Bob (oldest group), Janis (middle group) and Susan (youngest group) as they
present the invitation. Please also pray for Yurimi, our translator, that she will be able to clearly and effectively communicate our English terminology. We are thankful for Kohichi who prepared a 'script' for Bob, Janis, Susan and Yurimi to follow.

Please also PRAY for the 4 moms who heard the gospel presentation on Wednesday, at the end of our pizza party. With Kohichi's help translating, I presented the Bridge Illustration. I'm thankful God enabled me to give a clear presentation, even if it was for the first time.

Thank you for praying for Lyanne. Although she is still getting bit, the older bites are healing. We know have a vast array of mosquito repellant and creams.

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